Donate a Wig

“Pay it Forward” Program

The essence of the “Pay It Forward” program lies in the belief that one small act of kindness can create a ripple effect of significant impact for a woman undergoing treatment. By donating a new or gently used wig along with a financial contribution, EBeauty is able to offer free wigs to women undergoing treatment to help them feel as beautiful as possible on their journey to wellness. By donating a wig, you join a community dedicated to support and empowerment.

Join the Circle of Giving | Donate a Wig

Step 1

Your Wig

Remove the wig(s) from all
original packaging and put into
a gallon size ziplock bag

Step 2

Donation Form

Click here to print the Wig Donation Form and include it with your wig(s)

Step 3

Your Wig

Ship your wig(s) to the Ebeauty Cancer Support Center

EBeauty Community Center for Cancer Support
480 Main Street #104
Stevensville, MD 21666

Are you a Survivor?
Share Your Strength!

As a survivor, your words can be a lifeline for someone newly diagnosed. Along with your wig donation, include your story or a short note of encouragement to help the next woman on her journey.

Example Note:

Dear Sister,

The cancer journey is tough and real, but you are not alone. You are stronger and braver than you ever thought possible. As part of your journey, may this wig provide you some comfort, as it did me. Stay strong, beautiful, and never give up hope!

cancer survivor

a Loved One?

Your donation to EBeauty is more than just a wig — it’s a heartfelt acknowledgment of someone special. By donating a wig in their honor, we will include their name on our Tribute Scroll, celebrating their courage and ensuring their story is told.

Memorialize Your Loved One through Our Giving Tree

If you would like to further honor your loved one, you can support our Giving Tree. For a $250 donation, which provides wigs to 10 women, we will engrave a leaf in their honor. The Giving Tree, located at the entrance of our Community Center for Cancer Support, is a lasting tribute to celebrate their life.

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Stay connected and see the impact of your donations by following us on social media:

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